Cote de PAblo declares “war” on Michael Weatherly’s ex-wife for some Public insults !

In a dramatic turn of events, “NCIS” actress Cote de Pablo has taken a bold stance against the ex-wife of her co-star Michael Weatherly, following a series of public insults hurled her way.

The tensions between the two women have escalated, with de Pablo openly declaring a metaphorical “war” in response to the public attacks.


Sources close to the situation reveal that the feud erupted after Michael Weatherly’s ex-wife made derogatory comments about de Pablo in the media. In an unexpected twist, de Pablo has decided to confront the situation head-on, expressing her refusal to tolerate any form of public disrespect.

The actress, known for her resilience both on and off-screen, has not shied away from addressing the insults directly. In a statement released through her representatives, Cote de Pablo emphasized her commitment to maintaining a positive public image and called for an end to the public spat.

Fans and followers are closely watching this unfolding drama, with many expressing support for de Pablo’s decision to stand up against public insults. As the situation develops, the entertainment industry is abuzz with anticipation, eager to see how this unexpected feud between the two women connected through Michael Weatherly will play out in the public eye.

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