“It doesn’t surprise me”: No Future Johnny Depp Movies May Ever be Pirates of the Caribbean after Jack Sparrow Star’s Harsh Criticism of Disney

Johnny Depp’s tenure as Captain Jack Sparrow may have come to an end.

"It doesn't surprise me": No Future Johnny Depp Movies May Ever be Pirates of the Caribbean after Jack Sparrow Star's Harsh Criticism of Disney

Johnny Depp’s most iconic role is undoubtedly Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. His charisma and star power led the franchise to become one of the most profitable ventures for Disney. All five films of the franchise have been huge box office hits and also made Depp a huge movie star.However, his career went downhill when his ex-wife Amber Heard accused him of domestic abuse back in 2016. Disney reportedly cut ties with Depp and dropped him from his most celebrated role and the actor did not take this very well.

Johnny Depp May Not Be a Part of Any Future Pirates of the Caribbean Film

The actor was dropped from his iconic role by Disney in 2018
The actor was dropped from his iconic role by Disney in 2018

The role of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean films catapulted Johnny Depp‘s career and so much of the character’s traits and quirks were his input which he elevated with his charm and star power. He continued delivering big commercial successes with each film in the franchise and he felt betrayed when the studio dropped him from the role in 2018.


When Depp’s ex-wife Amber Heard accused the actor of physical and emotional abuse in 2016, his career began to spiral down and led to Disney dropping him from the role in 2018. At his 2022 trial, the actor had testified that the studio wanted to cut ties with him as there was too much heat and controversy surrounding him at that point. He said, (via Variety)

“I wasn’t aware of that, but it doesn’t surprise me. Two years had gone by of constant worldwide talk about me being this wife beater. So I’m sure that Disney was trying to cut ties to be safe. The #MeToo movement was in full swing at that point.”

He also felt deeply hurt and betrayed by the studio’s decision to drop him from the role of Captain Jack Sparrow. He expressed the frustration and anger that he felt during his 2022 trial saying, (via TooFab)

“Hurt. Blinding hurt. It was like somebody hit me in the back of the head with a 2×4… Captain Jack Sparrow was a character I built from the ground up and was something that I, of course, put a lot of [myself] into the character and also having worked on these films with these people and added much of myself,

Much of my own re-writing of the dialogue and scenes and jokes. I didn’t quite understand how, after that long relationship and quite a successful relationship certainly for Disney, that suddenly I was guilty until proven innocent.”

People had reported in 2023 that Depp was again open to working with Disney if the right opportunity came. However, with all the baggage around the actor and his much-publicized trial, it doesn’t seem like the studio would like to continue working with him. It remains to be seen what the studio decides to do with the next potential film in the franchise.

Johnny Depp Wrapped Filming his Next Directorial Film This Year

Johnny Depp recently wrapped the shoot of Modi
Johnny Depp recently wrapped the shoot of Modi

Johnny Depp recently shot his passion project Modi, a biopic based on the life of Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani. The film was shot from September to November this year and Depp was extremely moved with everyone’s commitment while filming. He posted on Instagram thanking everyone’s efforts on the film saying,

“To my dear ‘Modi’ film family, Köszönöm for all your exceptional efforts without which this film could not have been made. Please accept my eternal admiration, appreciation, respect, and love, JD. X.”

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